A phobia in the context of clinical psychology, is a type of anxiety disorder , usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or a situation, often irrational.If a person suffers from phobia, he starts to distress his organism and this behaviour leads to significant interference in social or occupational activities. If a phobic stimulus , whether it is an object or a social situation, is absent entirely in an environment - a diagnosis can't be made. Phobias can be divided into social (and public) and specific phobias . Specific phobias are such phobias as arachnophobia or acrophobia which are considered to be specific from the point of view of psychology and social pfobias are phobias within social situations such as public cpeaking and crowded areas. In other words specific phobias are said to be based on a single specific panic trigger such as spiders , snakes dogs etc.
Symptoms of a phobia:
- sweating
- nervousness
- fast heart beat
- heavy chest
- shaky voice, legs or hands
- breathlessness
- nausea
Causes of phobia:
Unconscious or emotional learning takes place to keep us safe. When coming into contact with something dangerousthe mind would create the optimum state for survival- a panic attack. In the past, an immediate phobis response to a predatory or poisonous animal was exceedingly useful. In today's complex world this learning mechanism often works in an inappropriate way, thus making us become phobic. You can also generate a phobia throughthe miuse of imagination, or by seeing your parent having a phobia.
The most common phobias:
1 Arachnophobia ( a fear of spiders)
2 Ophiophobia (a fear of snakes)
3 Acrophobia (a fear of heights)
4 Agoraphobia (the fasr of changing a place)
5 Cynophobia (a fear of dogs)
6 Astraphobia (the fear of lightning)
7 Trypanophobia (A fear of injections)
8 Mysophobia (the fear of germs and dirt)
9 Pteromerchaphobia ( the fear of flying)
Fears of famous people
David Beckham has a fear of diorder. He's said to line soda cans in the fridge.
Madonna is afraid of thunderstorms.
Orlando Bloom has the fear of pigs.
Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies.
Kim Besinger has the fear of open spaces.
Symptoms of a phobia:
- sweating
- nervousness
- fast heart beat
- heavy chest
- shaky voice, legs or hands
- breathlessness
- nausea
Causes of phobia:
Unconscious or emotional learning takes place to keep us safe. When coming into contact with something dangerousthe mind would create the optimum state for survival- a panic attack. In the past, an immediate phobis response to a predatory or poisonous animal was exceedingly useful. In today's complex world this learning mechanism often works in an inappropriate way, thus making us become phobic. You can also generate a phobia throughthe miuse of imagination, or by seeing your parent having a phobia.
The most common phobias:
1 Arachnophobia ( a fear of spiders)
2 Ophiophobia (a fear of snakes)
3 Acrophobia (a fear of heights)
4 Agoraphobia (the fasr of changing a place)
5 Cynophobia (a fear of dogs)
6 Astraphobia (the fear of lightning)
7 Trypanophobia (A fear of injections)
8 Mysophobia (the fear of germs and dirt)
9 Pteromerchaphobia ( the fear of flying)
Fears of famous people
David Beckham has a fear of diorder. He's said to line soda cans in the fridge.
Madonna is afraid of thunderstorms.
Orlando Bloom has the fear of pigs.
Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies.
Kim Besinger has the fear of open spaces.
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